A Notion database is a collection of pages that store and structure information. Simply put, you can think of it like a souped-up spreadsheet or a dynamic table. Each item you add to a database becomes its own page that you can open up, edit, and customize with additional content.

But unlike a traditional spreadsheet, Notion databases are way more flexible and visual. You can view the same information in a table, calendar, list, board, timeline or gallery format - whatever makes the most sense for your data. Plus, you can add properties to each item, like tags, dates, checkboxes and more, to filter, sort and organize everything just the way you want.

For example, let's say you want to create a content calendar to plan out your marketing team's blog posts and social media. With a Notion database, you could:

  • Add each piece of content as its own page with a title and rich details

  • Tag each item by content type (blog post, tweet, video, etc).

  • Add a publish date and assignee.

  • View everything in a calendar to see your posting schedule at a glance.

  • Filter to just see blog posts for the next month.

  • Sort by publish date or assignee to prioritize.

This is just the tip of the iceberg! Notion databases can be customised in almost limitless ways. As you will see, you can use them to organise and track just about anything.

A Notion database is a collection of pages that store and structure information. Simply put, you can think of it like a souped-up spreadsheet or a dynamic table. Each item you add to a database becomes its own page that you can open up, edit, and customize with additional content.

But unlike a traditional spreadsheet, Notion databases are way more flexible and visual. You can view the same information in a table, calendar, list, board, timeline or gallery format - whatever makes the most sense for your data. Plus, you can add properties to each item, like tags, dates, checkboxes and more, to filter, sort and organize everything just the way you want.

For example, let's say you want to create a content calendar to plan out your marketing team's blog posts and social media. With a Notion database, you could:

  • Add each piece of content as its own page with a title and rich details

  • Tag each item by content type (blog post, tweet, video, etc).

  • Add a publish date and assignee.

  • View everything in a calendar to see your posting schedule at a glance.

  • Filter to just see blog posts for the next month.

  • Sort by publish date or assignee to prioritize.

This is just the tip of the iceberg! Notion databases can be customised in almost limitless ways. As you will see, you can use them to organise and track just about anything.

A Notion database is a collection of pages that store and structure information. Simply put, you can think of it like a souped-up spreadsheet or a dynamic table. Each item you add to a database becomes its own page that you can open up, edit, and customize with additional content.

But unlike a traditional spreadsheet, Notion databases are way more flexible and visual. You can view the same information in a table, calendar, list, board, timeline or gallery format - whatever makes the most sense for your data. Plus, you can add properties to each item, like tags, dates, checkboxes and more, to filter, sort and organize everything just the way you want.

For example, let's say you want to create a content calendar to plan out your marketing team's blog posts and social media. With a Notion database, you could:

  • Add each piece of content as its own page with a title and rich details

  • Tag each item by content type (blog post, tweet, video, etc).

  • Add a publish date and assignee.

  • View everything in a calendar to see your posting schedule at a glance.

  • Filter to just see blog posts for the next month.

  • Sort by publish date or assignee to prioritize.

This is just the tip of the iceberg! Notion databases can be customised in almost limitless ways. As you will see, you can use them to organise and track just about anything.

A Notion database is a collection of pages that store and structure information. Simply put, you can think of it like a souped-up spreadsheet or a dynamic table. Each item you add to a database becomes its own page that you can open up, edit, and customize with additional content.

But unlike a traditional spreadsheet, Notion databases are way more flexible and visual. You can view the same information in a table, calendar, list, board, timeline or gallery format - whatever makes the most sense for your data. Plus, you can add properties to each item, like tags, dates, checkboxes and more, to filter, sort and organize everything just the way you want.

For example, let's say you want to create a content calendar to plan out your marketing team's blog posts and social media. With a Notion database, you could:

  • Add each piece of content as its own page with a title and rich details

  • Tag each item by content type (blog post, tweet, video, etc).

  • Add a publish date and assignee.

  • View everything in a calendar to see your posting schedule at a glance.

  • Filter to just see blog posts for the next month.

  • Sort by publish date or assignee to prioritize.

This is just the tip of the iceberg! Notion databases can be customised in almost limitless ways. As you will see, you can use them to organise and track just about anything.

Why Use Notion Database?

So what makes databases one of Notion's most powerful and popular features? In short, it's based on three key benefits:

  1. Flexibility: Databases allow you to structure information in Notion in a much more flexible way than just using pages and subpages. You can add whatever properties you want to describe each item. And you can visualize everything in different formats to understand it from every angle.

  2. Interconnectivity: Databases in Notion allow you to create interconnected pages and link related data in your workspace. This enables you to create complex systems and workflows by linking different pieces of information together. For example, if you have one database for projects and another database for tasks in a Notion workspace, you can link these two separate databases together to relate all tasks associated with a particular project to that project.

  3. Scalability: Notion databases can start simple but scale up to handle large amounts of interconnected information. They can handle everything from straightforward personal lists to intricate company knowledge bases with equal ease.

Databases vs. Pages / Spreadsheets

If you're still wrapping your head around databases, it may help to understand how they compare to other tools you're used to (e.g. Google Docs, Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel), both in Notion and beyond. Let's break it down:

  • Notion databases vs pages: Think of pages as your "normal" Notion content - the docs where you write and organize information in a freeform way using blocks. Databases are a special type of page used to structure related items, each of which is its own Notion page. So in a sense, databases contain many sub-pages.

  • Notion databases vs spreadsheets: Databases may look like spreadsheets at first glance, but they are much more flexible. The key difference is that each row in a database is its own page that can include rich details, while spreadsheet rows are just single lines of data. Databases also let you view the same information in different formats like a calendar or kanban board.

Here is a feature comparison table I created to compare Notion databases to traditional spreadsheets:

Why Use Notion Database?

So what makes databases one of Notion's most powerful and popular features? In short, it's based on three key benefits:

  1. Flexibility: Databases allow you to structure information in Notion in a much more flexible way than just using pages and subpages. You can add whatever properties you want to describe each item. And you can visualize everything in different formats to understand it from every angle.

  2. Interconnectivity: Databases in Notion allow you to create interconnected pages and link related data in your workspace. This enables you to create complex systems and workflows by linking different pieces of information together. For example, if you have one database for projects and another database for tasks in a Notion workspace, you can link these two separate databases together to relate all tasks associated with a particular project to that project.

  3. Scalability: Notion databases can start simple but scale up to handle large amounts of interconnected information. They can handle everything from straightforward personal lists to intricate company knowledge bases with equal ease.

Databases vs. Pages / Spreadsheets

If you're still wrapping your head around databases, it may help to understand how they compare to other tools you're used to (e.g. Google Docs, Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel), both in Notion and beyond. Let's break it down:

  • Notion databases vs pages: Think of pages as your "normal" Notion content - the docs where you write and organize information in a freeform way using blocks. Databases are a special type of page used to structure related items, each of which is its own Notion page. So in a sense, databases contain many sub-pages.

  • Notion databases vs spreadsheets: Databases may look like spreadsheets at first glance, but they are much more flexible. The key difference is that each row in a database is its own page that can include rich details, while spreadsheet rows are just single lines of data. Databases also let you view the same information in different formats like a calendar or kanban board.

Here is a feature comparison table I created to compare Notion databases to traditional spreadsheets:

Why Use Notion Database?

So what makes databases one of Notion's most powerful and popular features? In short, it's based on three key benefits:

  1. Flexibility: Databases allow you to structure information in Notion in a much more flexible way than just using pages and subpages. You can add whatever properties you want to describe each item. And you can visualize everything in different formats to understand it from every angle.

  2. Interconnectivity: Databases in Notion allow you to create interconnected pages and link related data in your workspace. This enables you to create complex systems and workflows by linking different pieces of information together. For example, if you have one database for projects and another database for tasks in a Notion workspace, you can link these two separate databases together to relate all tasks associated with a particular project to that project.

  3. Scalability: Notion databases can start simple but scale up to handle large amounts of interconnected information. They can handle everything from straightforward personal lists to intricate company knowledge bases with equal ease.

Databases vs. Pages / Spreadsheets

If you're still wrapping your head around databases, it may help to understand how they compare to other tools you're used to (e.g. Google Docs, Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel), both in Notion and beyond. Let's break it down:

  • Notion databases vs pages: Think of pages as your "normal" Notion content - the docs where you write and organize information in a freeform way using blocks. Databases are a special type of page used to structure related items, each of which is its own Notion page. So in a sense, databases contain many sub-pages.

  • Notion databases vs spreadsheets: Databases may look like spreadsheets at first glance, but they are much more flexible. The key difference is that each row in a database is its own page that can include rich details, while spreadsheet rows are just single lines of data. Databases also let you view the same information in different formats like a calendar or kanban board.

Here is a feature comparison table I created to compare Notion databases to traditional spreadsheets:

Why Use Notion Database?

So what makes databases one of Notion's most powerful and popular features? In short, it's based on three key benefits:

  1. Flexibility: Databases allow you to structure information in Notion in a much more flexible way than just using pages and subpages. You can add whatever properties you want to describe each item. And you can visualize everything in different formats to understand it from every angle.

  2. Interconnectivity: Databases in Notion allow you to create interconnected pages and link related data in your workspace. This enables you to create complex systems and workflows by linking different pieces of information together. For example, if you have one database for projects and another database for tasks in a Notion workspace, you can link these two separate databases together to relate all tasks associated with a particular project to that project.

  3. Scalability: Notion databases can start simple but scale up to handle large amounts of interconnected information. They can handle everything from straightforward personal lists to intricate company knowledge bases with equal ease.

Databases vs. Pages / Spreadsheets

If you're still wrapping your head around databases, it may help to understand how they compare to other tools you're used to (e.g. Google Docs, Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel), both in Notion and beyond. Let's break it down:

  • Notion databases vs pages: Think of pages as your "normal" Notion content - the docs where you write and organize information in a freeform way using blocks. Databases are a special type of page used to structure related items, each of which is its own Notion page. So in a sense, databases contain many sub-pages.

  • Notion databases vs spreadsheets: Databases may look like spreadsheets at first glance, but they are much more flexible. The key difference is that each row in a database is its own page that can include rich details, while spreadsheet rows are just single lines of data. Databases also let you view the same information in different formats like a calendar or kanban board.

Here is a feature comparison table I created to compare Notion databases to traditional spreadsheets:

To summarize, the main differences are that Notion databases provide much more flexibility in how you can view and link your structured data compared to traditional spreadsheets. However, spreadsheets still have an advantage for complex numerical calculations and inter-cellular formulas.

Notion Database Use Cases

Now that you know what Notion databases are and why they are so useful, let's talk about how to actually use them! Here are some of the most popular ways to put databases to work:

To summarize, the main differences are that Notion databases provide much more flexibility in how you can view and link your structured data compared to traditional spreadsheets. However, spreadsheets still have an advantage for complex numerical calculations and inter-cellular formulas.

Notion Database Use Cases

Now that you know what Notion databases are and why they are so useful, let's talk about how to actually use them! Here are some of the most popular ways to put databases to work:

To summarize, the main differences are that Notion databases provide much more flexibility in how you can view and link your structured data compared to traditional spreadsheets. However, spreadsheets still have an advantage for complex numerical calculations and inter-cellular formulas.

Notion Database Use Cases

Now that you know what Notion databases are and why they are so useful, let's talk about how to actually use them! Here are some of the most popular ways to put databases to work:

To summarize, the main differences are that Notion databases provide much more flexibility in how you can view and link your structured data compared to traditional spreadsheets. However, spreadsheets still have an advantage for complex numerical calculations and inter-cellular formulas.

Notion Database Use Cases

Now that you know what Notion databases are and why they are so useful, let's talk about how to actually use them! Here are some of the most popular ways to put databases to work:

    • Project and Task Management: Databases are an excellent choice for organizing projects and tasks. You can add properties for task owners, due dates, status, priority, and more. Then, you can view everything in a Kanban database view to visualize your progress.

    • Project and Task Management: Databases are an excellent choice for organizing projects and tasks. You can add properties for task owners, due dates, status, priority, and more. Then, you can view everything in a Kanban database view to visualize your progress.

    • Project and Task Management: Databases are an excellent choice for organizing projects and tasks. You can add properties for task owners, due dates, status, priority, and more. Then, you can view everything in a Kanban database view to visualize your progress.

    • Project and Task Management: Databases are an excellent choice for organizing projects and tasks. You can add properties for task owners, due dates, status, priority, and more. Then, you can view everything in a Kanban database view to visualize your progress.

  • Project Manager Notion template

    This Project Manager Notion template gives you the essentials to steer your personal or team's efforts, track progress, and deliver results—all without drowning in unnecessary details.

    Project Manager Notion template

    This Project Manager Notion template gives you the essentials to steer your personal or team's efforts, track progress, and deliver results—all without drowning in unnecessary details.

    Project Manager Notion template

    This Project Manager Notion template gives you the essentials to steer your personal or team's efforts, track progress, and deliver results—all without drowning in unnecessary details.

    Project Manager Notion template

    This Project Manager Notion template gives you the essentials to steer your personal or team's efforts, track progress, and deliver results—all without drowning in unnecessary details.

    Project Manager Notion template

    This Project Manager Notion template gives you the essentials to steer your personal or team's efforts, track progress, and deliver results—all without drowning in unnecessary details.

    • Content Calendars: The Notion databases are very useful for scheduling content. You can add each piece of content as its own page, tag it by type and topic, set a publication date, and view it all in a calendar database. You can even create separate linked databases for ideas, drafts, and published content.

    • Content Calendars: The Notion databases are very useful for scheduling content. You can add each piece of content as its own page, tag it by type and topic, set a publication date, and view it all in a calendar database. You can even create separate linked databases for ideas, drafts, and published content.

    • Content Calendars: The Notion databases are very useful for scheduling content. You can add each piece of content as its own page, tag it by type and topic, set a publication date, and view it all in a calendar database. You can even create separate linked databases for ideas, drafts, and published content.

    • Content Calendars: The Notion databases are very useful for scheduling content. You can add each piece of content as its own page, tag it by type and topic, set a publication date, and view it all in a calendar database. You can even create separate linked databases for ideas, drafts, and published content.

  • Notion Social Media Planner Template

    Organize all your social media content in a single workspace - efficiently manage posts, create content schedules, and much more

    Notion Social Media Planner Template

    Organize all your social media content in a single workspace - efficiently manage posts, create content schedules, and much more

    Notion Social Media Planner Template

    Organize all your social media content in a single workspace - efficiently manage posts, create content schedules, and much more

    Notion Social Media Planner Template

    Organize all your social media content in a single workspace - efficiently manage posts, create content schedules, and much more

    Notion Social Media Planner Template

    Organize all your social media content in a single workspace - efficiently manage posts, create content schedules, and much more

    • CRMs and Contact Lists: Databases make excellent CRMs. You can create a page for each lead or contact, add properties such as company, role, email, phone number, notes and tags. You can then create filtered database views to view only leads or only customers.

    • CRMs and Contact Lists: Databases make excellent CRMs. You can create a page for each lead or contact, add properties such as company, role, email, phone number, notes and tags. You can then create filtered database views to view only leads or only customers.

    • CRMs and Contact Lists: Databases make excellent CRMs. You can create a page for each lead or contact, add properties such as company, role, email, phone number, notes and tags. You can then create filtered database views to view only leads or only customers.

    • CRMs and Contact Lists: Databases make excellent CRMs. You can create a page for each lead or contact, add properties such as company, role, email, phone number, notes and tags. You can then create filtered database views to view only leads or only customers.

  • Free Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Notion Template

    With Notion CRM template, you can manage customer relationships, track sales opportunities, and organize contacts and companies all in one place.

    Free Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Notion Template

    With Notion CRM template, you can manage customer relationships, track sales opportunities, and organize contacts and companies all in one place.

    Free Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Notion Template

    With Notion CRM template, you can manage customer relationships, track sales opportunities, and organize contacts and companies all in one place.

    Free Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Notion Template

    With Notion CRM template, you can manage customer relationships, track sales opportunities, and organize contacts and companies all in one place.

    Free Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Notion Template

    With Notion CRM template, you can manage customer relationships, track sales opportunities, and organize contacts and companies all in one place.

    • Product Roadmaps: You can visualize your product plans with a database. You can add each feature or enhancement as an item in the database, tag it by category, set a target release date and assign it to a team member. You can view all this in a timeline or calendar database view and communicate with the roadmap.

    • Product Roadmaps: You can visualize your product plans with a database. You can add each feature or enhancement as an item in the database, tag it by category, set a target release date and assign it to a team member. You can view all this in a timeline or calendar database view and communicate with the roadmap.

    • Product Roadmaps: You can visualize your product plans with a database. You can add each feature or enhancement as an item in the database, tag it by category, set a target release date and assign it to a team member. You can view all this in a timeline or calendar database view and communicate with the roadmap.

    • Product Roadmaps: You can visualize your product plans with a database. You can add each feature or enhancement as an item in the database, tag it by category, set a target release date and assign it to a team member. You can view all this in a timeline or calendar database view and communicate with the roadmap.

    • Meeting Notes: Notion databases are a handy way to organize meeting notes, especially if you often meet with the same groups. For each meeting type, you can create a database with properties such as date, attendees, agenda, and action items. You can then link this database to a wider company wiki so that everyone can easily access the necessary information.

    • Meeting Notes: Notion databases are a handy way to organize meeting notes, especially if you often meet with the same groups. For each meeting type, you can create a database with properties such as date, attendees, agenda, and action items. You can then link this database to a wider company wiki so that everyone can easily access the necessary information.

    • Meeting Notes: Notion databases are a handy way to organize meeting notes, especially if you often meet with the same groups. For each meeting type, you can create a database with properties such as date, attendees, agenda, and action items. You can then link this database to a wider company wiki so that everyone can easily access the necessary information.

    • Meeting Notes: Notion databases are a handy way to organize meeting notes, especially if you often meet with the same groups. For each meeting type, you can create a database with properties such as date, attendees, agenda, and action items. You can then link this database to a wider company wiki so that everyone can easily access the necessary information.

The point is to start with a simple database, then add more properties, views and relations as your needs evolve. Notion makes it easy to start small and scale up over time.

Wrapping Up

That was a lot to cover! But now you've got a solid foundation in all things Notion databases. You know what they are, why they are so powerful, and some of the most popular ways to use them.

But we're just getting started! Notion databases have a ton of powerful features to explore, from creating linked databases to using rollups and formulas. In the rest of this Notion 101 - Databases chapter, we'll dive deeper into all the nooks and crannies of databases.

The point is to start with a simple database, then add more properties, views and relations as your needs evolve. Notion makes it easy to start small and scale up over time.

Wrapping Up

That was a lot to cover! But now you've got a solid foundation in all things Notion databases. You know what they are, why they are so powerful, and some of the most popular ways to use them.

But we're just getting started! Notion databases have a ton of powerful features to explore, from creating linked databases to using rollups and formulas. In the rest of this Notion 101 - Databases chapter, we'll dive deeper into all the nooks and crannies of databases.

The point is to start with a simple database, then add more properties, views and relations as your needs evolve. Notion makes it easy to start small and scale up over time.

Wrapping Up

That was a lot to cover! But now you've got a solid foundation in all things Notion databases. You know what they are, why they are so powerful, and some of the most popular ways to use them.

But we're just getting started! Notion databases have a ton of powerful features to explore, from creating linked databases to using rollups and formulas. In the rest of this Notion 101 - Databases chapter, we'll dive deeper into all the nooks and crannies of databases.

The point is to start with a simple database, then add more properties, views and relations as your needs evolve. Notion makes it easy to start small and scale up over time.

Wrapping Up

That was a lot to cover! But now you've got a solid foundation in all things Notion databases. You know what they are, why they are so powerful, and some of the most popular ways to use them.

But we're just getting started! Notion databases have a ton of powerful features to explore, from creating linked databases to using rollups and formulas. In the rest of this Notion 101 - Databases chapter, we'll dive deeper into all the nooks and crannies of databases.